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Mother's Day is a celebration honoring different types of mother figures in history and culture. It is celebrated on various days in many parts of the world, most often in March or May. The modern form of Mother's Day dates back to the early 20th century. Gifts that are generally given on this holiday are cards, flowers, personalized DIY souvenirs, and handmade crafts.
It's time to choose the best gift from a loving son or daughter to express all your gratitude and love to the dear mothers all over the world! Here are some of the most creative Mother's day gifts ideas by Artistro!
Useful & creative painting ideas for mom

Endless love
Give your mom a useful gift, tell her about your endless love using our creative creative painting ideas for mom! A simple dot technique and rainbow markers will help you express your sincere feelings.

Mommy Fuel
Whether it’s coffee, tea, or juice, your mom would adore this cheap, yet lovely decorative cup.

Mom Life Glass Vase
A simple vase is always a great gift for a mother, but it means so much more when created with all your heart.

Mommy & Daddy Mugs
Don't want to take your dad out of the spotlight on Mother's Day? Create a Daddy's Mustache mug for him and a DIY Mommy's Lipstick mug for your mother.Easily done!
Weekend Time
Who doesn’t like the weekends? Surely a lot of moms do. Why don't you create this Weekend-Hearted mug as a unique girt for Mother’s Day?

The best mom
Who is the best mom in the world? Of course, that lucky woman for whom you are painting this cup today!

Mommy Is In Timeout Glass
Mom is a profession that does not involve vacations or weekends. Give your mom a souvenir that she can use during a short timeout from time to time.
Amazing T-Shirt design.
The world needs to know that your mother is the best! The fastest way to do so is to use a T-shirt that says she’s an amazing mom!
Awesome DIY things to paint for your mom

Mother’s Day Flower card
This heartwarming flower greeting card made by kids will brighten up any mother's day surely!
Mother’s Day Pop Up Card
Flower Pop Up cards are sure to bring a smile to your mother's face, no matter whether it's a holiday or a weekday today.

Mommy's portrait.
Show your mom that she is the most beautiful by making this original and cute portrait of her!

Cute project for Mother's Day.
May all your mother's wishes come true on this bright holiday. Pack your gift and heartfelt wishes in this cool homemade gift box!

Origami flower
If you can't decide which painting ideas for Mother's day works best, give your mom handmade heart shaped flowers! Colored paper and bright markers will help you create a unique, one-of-a-kind bouquet.
More interesting personalized painting ideas for Mother's day

Flower Bouquet
What a wonderful bouquet in an original handmade wrapper! This will be a top gift for Mother's Day for sure.

Rock Painting
It is fun to create different patterns, designs, and colors on rocks! Use the power of the stone and your resourcefulness to thank your mom today.

Мagic envelopes
It's time to fulfill your mom's 4 cherished wishes! Use these magical gift envelopes to make your mom happy on Mother's Day.

Love U mom
How to tell your mother in an original way that you love her dearly? On Mother's Day, gift her your love, engraved in stone!

The whole world
Discover the true meaning of the phrase "the whole world" on this bright Mother's Day holiday using this blooming gift painted wood slice!
Greeting postcard ideas for Mother's day

What is love
Tell your mom what true love is by presenting cute DIY card with warm words from the bottom of your heart!

Star Wars greeting card
Gift your mom the most priceless and unique gift in the entire Galaxy, the heart of the Dark Lord himself! After all, even Lord Vader is the most obedient and loving son.

love u mama
One of the most classic things to paint for Mother's Day is a greeting card. You can handle this task, even if your level of watercolor skills is quite modest.

Flower lettering
If you don't have enough words to express all your feelings, use one of our creative painting ideas for mom - create a unique lettering with the single most important word "mom".
Mother's Day is a special holiday for all of us, mothers, their sons and daughters. To celebrate the holiday, present your mom with an original craft from our list. DIY gifts come from the bottom of your heart, and your mom will definitely appreciate it. Please your mom with a smile and heartfelt gifts this year.
Artistro wishes more happy smiles and creative gifts to all mothers on earth on this Mother's Day!