Coffee is the source of energy and inspiration for many people, which is not surprising since over 83% of Americans have a regular coffee habit. In terms of its popularity, coffee can only compete with tea and drinking water. It is impossible to date the origin of coffee in the history of mankind exactly, but it is known that the first mention of this tonic drink takes place from the 1400s.
Today coffee is a popular drink, although it owes its cult not only to the wide network of Starbucks coffee shops. Souvenirs, key chains, prints on clothes and accessories, even cartoon characters, correlated with the coffee theme, are more and more popular every day.
We will help you create your own unique coffee souvenir in a fun and easy way. Learn how to draw a beautiful sketch of а coffee cup with our new tutorial!
Drawing of a cup of coffee begins with the preparation of the work area and the selection of art supplies for work. Make sure your work area (office desk, study desk, or coffee table) is free of unnecessary tools and objects that could block your view or interfere with the free movement of your hands. Then collect all the necessary art supplies for the task.
What you will need:
- Artistro Extra Fine Tip Acrylic Paint Pens
- а sketch book
- a cup of aromatic coffee and some sweets for inspiration :)
Once you have smelled the rich aroma of coffee, it's time to start our step-by-step tutorial!

1) First, decide on the color palette of the upcoming drawing. Test each marker carefully to ensure that the color on the cap reproduces the expected shade accurately, otherwise the final result may differ from your original idea. We suggest using these simple marker colors for your work: deep blue, light blue, turquoise, brown, light brown and beige. Make a test run of markers on a separate sheet of paper, as we showed in the picture above.

2) In step 2, you need to sketch the cup and saucer itself and tint it later. Drawing straight away with a marker from scratch can be tricky, so feel free to use a graphite pencil and eraser earlier to create the basis of your sketch. Start drawing by tracing the basic lines of the cup and saucer. Then go to the process of tinting the element with the required colors. Use a darker marker to create shadows and a lighter marker to add highlights. Leave the surface of the drink untouched for now.

3) Step 3 is meant for creating additional accents. Trace the outline of the cup and saucer using a black marker to add more contrast to the elements. Then tint the darker part of the coffee drink in the cup with a black marker as well.

4) Step 4 is the final step in drawing а coffee mug when you need to add flavor and volume to the drink directly. Use brown and beige markers to fill the coffee base with color as it shown on the image. Leave the area with the foaming drink untouched to create a natural foaming effect.
Enjoy a cup of aromatic coffee!