Table of Contents:
Mandala art for beginners: Mandala art origins
Originally, a mandala is a religious Buddhist image used for various rituals and religious practices. As a token, a mandala reflects the Universe and the divine world; as a multi-layered geometric figure, it depicts a complex system of equidistant elements, closed into an integral system. Due to its sacred origins, mandala is a popular tool of art therapy techniques. Being an object of distinctive aesthetic value, a mandala is used as an art object, and every year it finds more and more recognition among ordinary people.
To create mandala art you will need the following materials:
- Artistro watercolor paint box
- a black paint pen
- a drawing compass
- a lead pencil and a brush (from Artistro watercolor set)
- a ruler
- an eraser
- a glass of water
Mandala drawing step by step

Step 1. This mandala tutorial starts with some standard basic elements: find the center of the sheet of paper and draw two lines intersecting at 90 degrees in the center of the sheet (the point you marked earlier) to form a cross. Draw 2 more lines through the center so that they divide each quarter of this cross in half.
Step 2. Since any mandala drawing contains many circular elements, at the next stage, a drawing compass is actively involved in the work. From the center of the image, draw 6 circles with a drawing compass, gradually increasing the radius of each circle.

Step 3.It's time to start creating mandala patterns directly. For beginners, it is recommended to do this step with a lead pencil first, while experienced artists can use a black marker straight away. Trace all the circles with a black marker, outline the first central circle with a thick black line, and shade the second one with vertical lines. Leave the next 2 circles unadorned, and on the fourth one, make a double semicircle pattern.

Step 4. Slowly move from the center of the picture to its edge, creating pattern elements of the 5th circle crosswise: first draw a semicircle of the petal on the upper guide line, then on the bottom one, then on the right and left side. After that, fill in the gap between them with similar elements - this will make the mandala symmetrical. It is very easy to create original mandala designs this way. You can come up with your own design by finding fresh ideas among easy things to draw we have offered.

Step 5. Draw the elements of the sharp petals inside the sectors of the 6th circle crosswise: place sharp double petals inside each sector. Then, draw an outer chain of tiny semicircles that frame the main petal row of the 5th circle.

Step 6. Add decorations to the mandala: inside each petal of the 5th circle, draw a droplet emanating from the center of each sector. Then add a bundle of three connected droplets along the outer edge of the 6th circle, placing them at the junction between the petals. Do not forget to remove all auxiliary pencil lines with an eraser carefully. At this stage, the mandala drawing is ready, it remains to color it. You can use such a template as an adult coloring pages, the mandala is perfect for use in this printable form.

Step 7. Leave the 1st and 3rd circles as they are (unpainted paper), and use yellow for the base of the second and fourth circles. Paint the third circle with orange watercolor, slightly darkening the shade of paint on its edge. Paint the outer lace chain (small semicircle pattern) of the 3rd circle with red, and the 4th with green. Use yellow as the base color for the 4th circle with an orange tint in the outer corners.

Step 8. Slowly move on, gradually painting circles from the center of the mandala to its edges. For the 5th circle, use blue watercolor (as the base color) with a few drops of darker paint at the edge of each petal. This gradient effect, as shown in the picture above, can be obtained by dropping a drop of additional color onto the still wet base paint.

Step 9. Use a light purple color to paint over the last, 6th circle of the mandala. Use a deeper purple as a complementary color and create a gradient by dropping it at the edge of each petal.

Step 10. At the final stage of coloring the mandala, color the outer droplet ornaments of the 6th circle with lilac. Color the additional chain of small petals of the 5th circle with light green and yellow alternately. Also add radial rays emanating from the corners of each petal, and tiny swirls on the 4th circle petals for decoration.
Easy mandala art for beginners

Monochrome mandala drawing
Immerse yourself in Zen meditation as you do these simple monochrome doodling patterns. A white line and a black line intertwined together is your mantra for today.

Puzzle mandala drawing
Puzzles and mind-breaker are great exercises for the brain, as well as drawing for reflection. Combine these two activities while drawing mandala art puzzle!

Flourishing mandala drawing
Combine the power of drawing kindness rocks with the meditative energy of mandala painting to create a mandala kindness rock ornament!

Glorious Yin and Yang mandala drawing
Practice drawing your own yin and yang vision. Imagine this endless dance of harmony and chaos in rich robes of gold and silver, captured in mandala stone!

Black and White Ornament mandala drawing
There is nothing more perfect than a combination of black and white. There is nothing more spiritual than drawing a easy mandala art on stones.

Rainbow mandala drawing
Add color to your day, add flowers to your mandala pattern! Color the mandala with all the colors of the rainbow to transfer your inner harmony.

Wood Magic mandala drawing
Everyone knows the healing properties of mandala and art therapy. If you need a short respite, but you are unsure of your artistic skills, these simple mandala doodles are the perfect starter option.

Flower Blossom mandala drawing
Let your inner harmony bloom like this beautiful mandala flower. Take a look into your blooming inner garden while drawing this fragrant mandala flower!
Meditation Stone Painting: simple mandala art
Mandala drawing is like an art therapy. Mandalas are great tools for meditation and increasing self-awareness. Mandala art is a complex abstract design that is usually circular in form. In fact, 'mandala' is a Sanskrit word that means 'circle'. Mandalas generally have one identifiable center point, from which emanates an array of symbols, shapes and forms.
Try this mandala painting DIY to relax after a hard day! You will need: flat smooth rock, Artistro paint pens, white acrylic paint, brush and meditative music. Please, follow the photos step-by-step to create your Mandala art!

Easy mandala art plate design
This decorative mandala glass plate is a one of a kind piece that you will not find anywhere else.This plate looks fantastic propped up on a plate holder or hung on the wall. It is very therapeutic to look at and you get drawn in by the mesmerizing design and soft colors.
1. You will need a glass plate and paint markers.

2. Draw the mandala design with a black marker. Then add some color!

P.S. Don't forget that to get markers stay on a glass, you need to bake it. Please follow our user-guide to do it properly!
T-shirt mandala drawing
Mandala drawing stage 1: Creating easy mandala art for beginners

Mandala drawing step 1. With a black marker, draw a horizontal line in the middle of the t-shirt - this will be the basis of our mandala art for beginners. Next, draw two semicircles one inside the other (this is the core of the mandala drawing) and add two rows of petals on top (this is the first inflorescence of the mandala drawing). This is how we finish the first step of the easy mandala art.

Mandala drawing step 2. Add another row of double larger petals above the first inflorescence and tint the base of each petal with black. This is how we finish the second step of the mandala art for beginners.

Mandala drawing step 3. Draw two semicircles (one inside the second one) framing our main mandala drawing and complete them with a chain of small ornaments (as depicted in our mandala drawing). Next, add one two-tiered row of large curly sunflower petals on top - this will add freshness to your mandala art ideas. This is how we complete the third step of the mandala art for beginners.

Mandala drawing step 4. To diversify the mandala drawing ideas, let's add some more black inside. Between the top row of petals (in between the petals) add another row of semicircular petals and tint them. To complete this simple mandala art add some more small ornaments as shown in our easy mandala art. This is how we complete the fourth step of the mandala art for beginners.

Mandala drawing stage 2: Coloring easy mandala art for beginners
Mandala drawing step 5. Our easy mandala art for beginners guide also includes a step by step coloring of the mandala. Use acrylic markers to color the mandala art drawing. Take blue, orange, pink markers to tint the base of the mandala drawing (the smallest inflorescence). This is how we finish step 5 of the mandala art for beginners.

Mandala drawing step 6. Tint the petals of the second inflorescence of our mandala drawing with a blue marker. Use a lilac marker to tint the upper semicircle (the half halo of our simple mandala art), and tint its decorations with a yellow marker. This is how we finish step 6 of the mandala art for beginners.

Mandala drawing step 7. Continue tinting the upper inflorescence of the mandala drawing (in the form of a sunflower): tint the inner part of the petals with a blue marker and the outer one with a purple marker. This is how we finish step 7 of the mandala art for beginners.

Mandala drawing step 8. In step 8, we need to add the final touches to our mandala drawing. Here is one of the simplest mandala art ideas for this: with a black marker, draw transverse lines in those parts of the manala where you toned with a purple marker (inner halo and outer petals of a sunflower). Then use a pink marker to shade the chain decoration over the black petals of our mandala drawing. This is how we finish step 8 of the mandala art for beginners.

Mandala drawing step 9. Now it's time to add some more original embellishments to adorn our mandala drawing. Here are some decorating ideas for our easy mandala art: draw 5 pendants with crescent, stars, flower (only the center one), circles under the main vertical line (the basis of our mandala drawing). Between these 5 pendants, draw 6 more short droplets and tint them black. This is how we finish step 9 of the mandala art for beginners.

Mandala drawing step 10. Tint the embellishments for the simple mandala art as follows: the stars are pink and yellow, the crescent is blue, the large balls are purple, and the small balls are blue, the flower is pink. This is how we complete step 10 of the mandala art for beginners.

Mandala drawing final step. Now that you know how to draw mandala art easy, it's time for the final step. Get your easy mandala art ready for a photo shoot! Find a nice colored background and place markers next to your mandala drawing. This is how we finish the final step of the mandala art for beginners.
Mandala art coloring pages
1. Mandala kaleidoscope
These unique coloring pages will not only help you relax and meditate after a busy day, but also allow you to enjoy the wealth of the color palette. Create your own kaleidoscope of colors that shimmer across your coloring pages like bright lights in a starry sky!
2. Terracotta mandala art
And this solid terracotta coloring page will suit the staunch and warlike artists ready for any challenge: both for military service and the detailed, painstaking work of creating the smallest mandala pattern. This coloring page with a million small elements will not let you get bored definitely!