10 Artist Tips on How to Find Inspiration for Art | Artistro

10 Tips on How to Find Inspiration for Art

If Muse has left you, and you have lost the desire to create, do not worry. An ambulance with a whole supply of art inspiration is on the way!

finding inspiration for art

Inspiration is an intermittent thing that can run out of supplies, instantly leave and come, and appear where you do not expect it at all. Most creative people experience a crisis in their direction and don’t know what to create, and past sources of inspiration have long ceased to give the desired effect. All people sometimes have moments in life when there is no inspiration.

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finding artistic inspiration: 10 easy Ways

1) Enjoy works of the other artists

Looking for inspiration in the work of other masters and also paying attention to the details, color schemes, compositions.

2) Watch interviews with artists.

As a rule, these are very inspiring stories and often artists share their tips, which simplify their work.

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3) Watch videos with the painting process by other artists.

It is also a very useful inspirational activity that makes you immediately want to go and apply the new in practice.

4) Limit in art framework

You can independently limit yourself and set yourself the framework in which you need to generate an idea. Find more ideas to draw here!

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5) Participate in contests and art challenges

If the problem of inspiration lies in the absence of ideas, then contests and challenges will come to the rescue. Since there are specific tasks, it will be easier to generate ideas in a limited area. Do you agree?

6) Visit beautiful places, travel, visit museums and theaters, and so on.

Inspiration ends when the brain begins to move in a circle. To break this circle, constantly look for new experiences and sensations.

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7) Make an inspiration board

Take a piece of paper, notepad or create a file in which all your favorite pictures, photos, quotes will be collected. Write your dreams, wishes or ideas – keep things that inspire together.

8) Create a morning ritual

Perhaps you have a certain sequence of actions that pushes your creativity? Is it a cup of coffee, a morning walk or work in a cafe?

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9) Don’t be a perfectionist

Anyone who wants to create something great, often does not create anything at all. Anyone who just does a good job every day has a chance one day to create something special.

10) Record or draw your thoughts and experiences.

Ideas do not go on schedule during office hours from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. The only way to fix their existence is to always take a notebook or smartphone for creating quick notes with you everywhere.

These points are quite simple, but they are very inspiring and help you switch at the right time! Stay on the wave of creativity throughout the year with Artistro!

finding inspiration for art-finding artistic inspiration-finding inspiration dull year

Finding creative inspiration can be not that easy.
Today our artist will share some tips on how to find inspiration 🎨
✅ Take a walk.
If you got stuck sitting behind a desk,
just go outside. Leave your phone at home, take a slow walk and let your mind wonder. But try not to focus on anything too hard.
✅ Start with random strokes.
Just start adding colors, move the canvas around, play around with your supplies. So that you don’t have an empty canvas that scares you.
✅ Collect references.
Clip and save all the pictures you like. Store your references at one place and sort them by themes.
✅ Participate in art challenges. Art challenges are conducted for artists to make an artwork dedicated to a certain theme within a deadline. You can get inspired by other participants’ works and the deadline will stimulate you to create.
Btw, currently we are conducting  #ArtistroOceanChallenge 🐚


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