Table of Contents:
Engaging activities for kids at home are not only a fun way to keep kids entertained, but also an important part of their development. It is important to remember that a child gains new knowledge, develops logical thinking, trains memory, fine motor skills, and acquires social skills precisely through games. Artistro is happy to share with you 50 fun projects for kids at home.
Entertainment for kids- creative activities at home
1. Handmade Paper Crafts

This simple activity will especially appeal to small kids. Prepare art supplies: Artistro Fine Tip Art Markers, colored paper, double-sided tape, and scissors. Cut out the parts of the craft and glue the sea dwellers' body parts together using glue or double-sided tape. Color the craft with colored markers to make it unique.
2. Original Golf at Home
Cut holes in the box and write on top of them the number of points that each player will receive for hitting the hole. Beads can be used instead of balls.
3. Unusual Crafts
To add a little creativity to everyday life, you can make an applique, a picture or a figurine of your favorite fairy-tale character from scrap materials. Invite your child to be creative. Anything can be used: cotton swabs, cotton pads, colored napkins, small cereals, colored cardboard.
4. Hold the Ball
Children need to carry the ball from one end of the room / hallway to the other without touching it with their hands or letting it fall. The winner is the one who brings the ball to the finish line faster. The task can be made more difficult by building a road or placing obstacles.
5. DIY Alphabet

Review letters and writing with your children with this fun and educational activity. Draw your own alphabet with your child. For this fun game, you need blank sheets of paper, colored markers, and a little imagination.
6. Fantastic Patterns
While playing with your kid, mix 5 tablespoons of gouache, one spoon of shampoo, and a teaspoon of water. Create thick foam in the container by blowing in a straw. Lightly touch the colored bubbles with a piece of paper. See how the prints come out and let your child finish painting the abstract painting following one's imagination.
7. Animals and Continents
This activity requires a climate map of the world with animals. Images of birds and animals can be printed, drawn or cut from old magazines. As they explore, children will learn to guess the continents and their inhabitants.
8. Mug Painting

It's time for creative games to find practical applications. A set of permanent markers will help you kid turn an ordinary cup into a piece of art. Help your child paint his or her favorite cup with colored dots. The point technique is so simple that even the smallest child can become a real artist.
9. Star Wars Lightsaber

Arrange a real Jedi duel just like in Star Wars! This child activity at home is suitable even for the smallest kids, because swords are made of balloons. To make the backlight you will need LED flashlights, and to make the sword handle you will need a piece of cardboard wrapped in a roll.
10. DIY Plane Made of Straw

Take thick paper and make three strips of it 2.5 cm wide and 13 cm long. Use duct tape to glue two of these strips together to form a circle. From the third one make a circle too. Place one end of the straw inside a small circle, while the other one inside a large one and glue them with tape. Such an airplane will become an original toy for a preschool child.
11. A Rainbow of Soap Bubbles
Creating a rainbow is one more fun activities to do at home anytime you want. Take a plastic bottle and cut off the end. Then pull the sock over the resulting hole and secure it with tape. Place a few drops of food coloring on the fabric. Mix dish soap with a little water. Then dip the sock into this mixture to create rainbow bubbles!
12. Unique Tennis
An alternative to regular tennis will be a competition using plastic plates and ice cream sticks as homemade rackets, as well as a balloon. It will be a lot of fun!
13. Hopscotch Game at Home
In the list of the most fun kid's activities, this game takes one of the first places. Draw a playing field on the floor of the hallway with duct tape. Now you can play not only outdoors in summer, but also at home in winter!
14. DIY Tic-Tac-Toe Game

Tic-tac-toe is a great game for children of all ages, as it not only entertains kids, but also develops their logical thinking ability. Help your child paint 10 stones with different characters for the two teams, respectively. Use a piece of cloth or a wooden stand as a playing field.
15. Homemade Wooden Bracelets

Soak the sticks in a glass of water for a few days, then gently shape them over your wrist. When the sticks are completely dry, cover them with colored tape or colored paper. Make two holes at the ends and thread the rope through them.
16. Archaeological Excavations
Take the toy dinosaur and place it in the balloon. Pour water into a balloon, add dye and tie it up. Place the ball in the freezer for a few hours. When the water hardens, tear the balloon and begin archaeological excavations.
17. Colored Snow, Regardless of the Season
If winter is still far away, make the snow yourself at home. You can make snowballs or just play with colored snow. To do this, mix cornstarch with shaving foam. Don't forget to add a little dye to color the snow. This is one of the best family activities ever!
18. Paper Plate Craft

A white paper plate can provide an original art tool for fun and creative game. Draw the sun and clouds on it with colored markers. On a separate sheet, draw a rainbow and cut it out. Attach the drawing to a wooden stick and thread it through the hole in the cloud.

19. Labyrinth Made of Cardboard Boxes
The cardboard box offers you a lot of fun stuff to do with kids. Cut the cardboard boxes and glue their walls together, cut out the arches and the fascinating maze is ready. You can make a lot of interesting things out of a cardboard box: a dollhouse, a garage, even a whole city. Such structures can be decorated with stickers, painted, and filled with furniture.
20. Your own Model of the Solar System
You will need a piece of cardboard, newspaper, toilet paper, glue, and paints. Cut a circle out of cardboard; form balls of newspapers and paper, dry and paint them. Then paint the cardboard and glue the planets to it, and your own solar system is ready.

21. Discover the Underwater World

Cover a sheet of paper with watercolors from a marine palette. Let the child drip a few drops of alcohol onto the paper with a pipette. This will create the effect of glowing circles on the water. Cut out silhouettes of marine life from black paper and glue to the sea background when the watercolor is dry.
22. Draw with Prints
With the help of handprints and even feet, you can make unusual but interesting drawings. Don't be afraid to experiment and follow your intuition. Such interesting activities are much more exciting than the classic drawing lessons.
23. Quiz
Of all the things to do with kids at home, what could be more fun than a family quiz? Invite your child to host a family tea and advise what questions or riddles to choose, what prizes to prepare for correct answers. Complete the quiz scenario with a music break by playing karaoke or dance music.
24. Answer in a Minute
Prepare a list of easy questions and organize children's games at home. The task is to give as many correct answers as possible in a minute. Such activities train quick thinking and reaction speed. Choose questions according to the age of the children, general knowledge, or topics that they know well.
25. Draw a Story

Making up a story is a favorite pastime for many children. But you can diversify it by inviting the kid to draw everything that you are talking about. The story can go on, add heroes and items, giving them a description.
26. Attention to the Picture
For this game, pick up drawings that depict many different objects. You say, “I see something red in this picture. It cannot speak / walk / ride / without hands, etc. ” The child's task is to guess the object. The roles can be changed.
27. Didactic Games

Using pictures from cut out magazines or printed ones, the children will help the animals find their mother. Geometric shapes cut from colored paper will help children repeat colors and arithmetic. The process of preparing such material will be no less interesting and creative than the classes themselves.
28. Write a Fairy Tale
Try to come up with a story based on just two words. Moreover, they should not be combined in meaning at all. For example, ask your dad (mom) one word, and your sister (brother) the second. See what a funny story you can make.
29. Wood Magnets

For this activity, prepare Artistro Wood Slices Craft Kit, glue for wood and metal, and a magnet. Create a unique wood painting, then just glue the magnet on the seamy side of the slice and your unique decoration is done!
30. Constructors
In any home there are small Lego constructor parts. Offer your child to build a house for a favorite toy. You can go beyond the walls and build simple furniture and celebrate the housewarming.
31. Math Ball
Repeat verbal counting with the child. When throwing the ball to the child, name the number, and he or she must answer the adjacent numbers: 5 more, 10 less, twice less, etc. Depending on age, you can take numbers from the first ten, second or three-digit numbers.
32. Wonder Beast

All you need is a sheet of paper and a pen. The first player draws the animal's head and folds the sheet so that only the neck is visible. The second one draws the torso, then draws the first one again, and this continues until the animal is ready. Expanding the "picture", children will see a rather funny creature, which you can think of a name for.
33. Funny stories
The first kid should write two sentences related in meaning, and fold a piece of paper, leaving only the last phrase. The next one writes his two lines, linking them in meaning with the previous phrase, and again folds the sheet. As a result, the scroll will have a very funny story.
34. Paper Masks

Making paper masks will not only help you have fun with your children, but also teach them the rules of personal hygiene. Add fun expressions to the front of the masks to cheer everyone up in the house and encourage kids to play with them.
35. Shop
You can put items on the "counter", set "price tags", and make "money" from cut sheets of paper of different sizes to repeat the arithmetic. Or you can ask your child to describe the item without naming one.
36. Fun Quest
Hide a small gift or sweet prize at home and create step-by-step instructions on how to find it. You can place notes with clues in the most unusual places, the main thing is that each previous one should be the key to finding the next one and eventually lead to the main treasure.
37. Unusual Book

Collect photos, magazine clippings, and interesting small items to glue in your kid's notebook. Let the child write the first letter, make the first drawing in it. You can make a fairy tale book by inventing a story, decorating it with kid's applications and drawings.
38. Take off Your Feathers
The following activity will help the children to run and train their agility. Attach some clothespins (feathers) to one of the kids' clothes. The task is to get rid of the feathers by attaching them to the clothes of the second participant. The winner is the one who is the first to remove all feathers from one's clothes.
39. Who is Faster?
Offer the children a little relay race. Use squatting, walking around the room with a balloon without touching it with your hands, walking with a book on your head, jogging over obstacles, etc.
40. DIY Coasters

Encourage your kids to prepare for a family tea party on their own. Artistro Wood Slices Craft Kit is perfect for creating unique DIY coasters on occasion. Use colored markers and imagination to turn wood slices into sweet doughnuts.
41. Forest Hut

Build a forest hut in the house with the kids. A bedspread or a blanket can be put on the table, fixed with books; they can cover two chairs or use an umbrella as a roof. For construction, sofa cushions, blankets and other improvised means will come in handy.
42. Beauty Salon

This is an addicting role-playing game for girls. You can become a model for a child to do hair, makeup, and manicure. But a doll can also act as a client of the salon.
43. Construction
Load the toy car with cubes, help it get to the construction site; unload the material to start building a garage or a house. Also include a crane, worker figures in the game to build more than one object.
44. Delicious Numbers

Bake the number cookies together. Prepare the dough, let the child roll out the sausages, and help put them in the form of numbers. You can play with them, fold pyramids, unfold them in forward and reverse order, and even make up simple examples.
45. Musical Volleyball
Inflate 6 - 10 balloons, depending on the number of players. Instead of a volleyball net, any dividing line in the house will work. The task of the two teams, having received the balls equally, is to throw them to the opponent's side. The game starts when the music is turned on and stops when the music is turned off. On which side there are fewer balls at this moment, that team won.
46. Scrapbooking
This activity is the production of postcards, notebooks, photo albums. Children cannot master serious work, but a simple postcard or a small notebook will do.
47. Rebus and Crosswords
Invite your child to compose a crossword puzzle and a rebus on their own. Thus, you can arrange a whole book or album. Draw freehand drawings using markers and clippings from old magazines.
48. Rock Painting

Another art stuff for kids is stone painting. You can collect the necessary art supplies yourself, or use a ready-made Artistro Big Round Rocks. Start with simple patterns on stones, and over time you can move on to the next level and make more complex drawings.
49. Naming Game
Make a table with the following columns: male / female name, city, country, river, plant, animal, dish, point. Fill in the table with words for the given letter. Check if there is a match among the players. If the word is not repeated, 10 points are counted for it, and zero for the repeat. The options and the number of columns in the table can be changed depending on the age of the players.
50. Countries and Flags

This activity requires a map of the world. Draw flags and attach them with colored pins, gradually placing them on the map. When there are enough learned images, invite the children to remove them from the world map and attach them correctly on their own.
More fun stuff to do at home when you're bored
Write down a list of wishes
This can be a list of targets for the next year, movies for viewing, or a place where you have long wanted to go. This is one of the first and most important stuff to do when bored.
Start a paper diary
Write down your thoughts that have perfected expressions, ideas and plans here. For those who do not like to write, the format of the audio diary is considered to be the best option. It is pleasant to return to the diary in a few years.
Color a mandala
This can be done in one evening or over several days. You can use pencils, markers, pens, or combine different art supplies. Use gold and silver paint marker pens to create a jewelry mandala effect. Add a touch of originality to your design with glitter markers or stunning shine with metallic ones.

You can download and print Artistro mandala or other coloring pages on Digital Download page for free. Mandalas help to relax and find inner peace: anxiety, insecurity, and sadness go away, a new vision of oneself and creative ideas appear, a state of peace and satisfaction sets in.
Write lyrics
Even if the verse is not completely rhymed, it will look like a prose verse. There is also a chance that you will discover an unknown talent in yourself, and poetry will become an integral part of your life.
Create a calendar of good habits
The excuse that you don't have time for a new good habit no longer works. Remember what exactly you wanted to start for a long time, but have not started until now. For example, yoga exercises, reading books, eating healthy, learning Japanese, etc. It's time to develop at least one new good habit.

How to keep a calendar:
Read The Little Prince again
Although the plot of the parable of the Little Prince seems incredibly simple at first, but if you look closely, you will notice that it is full of deep and important symbols.

Why to read this book again:
Even those who have not yet read The Little Prince know many quotes from it by heart.
Master calligraphy
Calligraphy teaches you to feel flow of the lines, symmetry and rhythm, stimulates mental abilities, develops fine motor skills. It's great if you buy a pen or marker for practice, but a standard pen or graphite pencil is enough for basic exercises. It's easy to start: take a pen and paper and train your hand with circular strokes. The next step is to print out the lined sheet and do the basic exercises. For the exercises, you can download and print a special calligraphy grid.

Arrange a movie marathon
This is one of the most pleasant things to do when bored at home. Invite your friends, stock up on chips, Coca-Cola, popcorn, and grab old DVDs of classic Star Wars. The goal of the marathon is not to finish until all the movies have been watched. And then proceed to the Star Wars marathon.

Master Photoshop
Photoshop is the most popular and versatile graphic design tool. It is suitable for both professional and simple home use. Most of its features are available for free.
Learning Photoshop will allow you to:
Visit the virtual museum
Michelangelo, da Vinci, Raphael, Rembrandt... The chance to see the masterpieces of these and other famous artists without queues and tickets is a unique opportunity that is now available to anyone.

Here are just a few ideas:
Today, more than 35 virtual museums of the world are available on the Internet for those who still do not know what to do when you're bored at home.