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Tic-tac-toe is one of the most classic and popular games in the world. This activity is useful not only for children, but also for adults, because this game trains logic and fine motor skills. But there is one secret: tic-tac-toe can be a great alternative to "Trick or treat" for Halloween. Don't miss the chance to complement your festival decor with this awesome DIY game.
Preparatory stage for creating Halloween tic tac toe
For DIY Halloween tic tac toe game you will need:
- 10 smooth stones (preferably about the same size),
- acrylic paints,
- brushes,
- a palette,
- a set of medium tip markers,
- a stencil,
- a piece of cloth ( or wood cut),
- a tote bag.
Before starting work, prepare the necessary work materials: wash and dry the stones, make sure that the fabric is absolutely clean (if not, take care to wash and dry it in advance), without stains or loose fibers. If you have chosen a wood cut as your playing field, sand and prepare it ahead of time - make sure the surface is completely clean and smooth. Keep a palette and a glass of clean water handy for rinsing your brushes to make it easier to work with paints. It is also recommended to cover the working surface of the table with old newspapers or cellophane wrap to avoid smearing the surface of the table or objects nearby.
Below we will show you how to make ghost and pumpkin stones for Tic-tac-toe step by step.
How to Create Halloween Tic-Tac-Toe Game step by step

1. Let's start our tutorial with ghost stones. Take a prepared smooth stone and tint its surface completely with white acrylic paint. Once the paint is completely dry, proceed to step 2.

2. With a black paint marker, draw the outline of the amoebo-shaped body of the ghost so that its sides are as close as possible to the side of the stone itself. Then add the eyes and smile of a tiny ghost.

3. Now it's time for the pumpkin team. Pick a new clean and smooth stone to work with and tint it completely with orange acrylic paint.

4. Wait until the paint is completely dry and start working with the drawing directly. Take a black marker and draw a creepy grin and eyes in the center of the stone, and then tint them. Once the face of the pumpkin is dry, draw its outline using two pairs of radial semicircles as close to the side of the stone as possible.
5. Continue following steps 1-4 until you have assembled a complete set of 10 stones (5 stones for each team). After that, proceed to preparing the playing surface.
6. Drawing a standard playing field is not difficult, but if you prefer a more original design, be sure to use the template with decorative playing surfaces. Here you can download Halloween tic tac toe printable template by Artistro for free.

7. The playing surface is also an important part of Halloween tic tac toe game. If you chose option A, a wooden playing field, you should have stocked up on a prepared wood cut beforehand. Tint the cut surface with black acrylic paint and wait until it dries. Then take a white marker for contrast and form the playing field with four straight lines so as to form a grid of 3*3 or use one of the suggested ideas from our list of printable tic tac toe boards. For the entourage, draw an arch around the grid and add an ironic RIP inscription at the top.

8. For option B, you can choose a piece of cotton fabric or a bag as a playing surface. In this case, you do not need acrylic paints, only a white marker. Draw a playing field in the center of the fabric: draw 2 parallel longitudinal lines with a white marker, and then add 2 more straight lines perpendicular to the previous ones, at an angle of 90 degrees. This will give you a 3 * 3 playing grid. At the end, add RIP inscription at the very top if you want. Note: the tote bag will be useful to store playing stones in it.
Also, don't forget to carve an awesome festival pumpkin using our original pumpkin stencils.